Daodejing Chapter 24 breakdown: modesty and moderation

Richard Brown
2 min readDec 28, 2023


Chapter 24 of the Daodejing pulls no punches in warning against displays of arrogance and excess, describing them as “like leftover food and excess fat.” Closely related to Chapter 22 of the text, the passage calls for you to adopt a simple, authentic, and unpretentious approach to life. Avoiding extremes is the most effective way to achieve lasting and meaningful success.

Section 1
You cannot keep
Standing on tiptoe.
You cannot keep
Walking in strides.

The chapter opens with a couple of simple metaphors cautioning against pushing the envelope too far. Just as you cannot remain standing on tiptoe or walking too fast for long, behaviours driven by excess are ultimately unsustainable. Too many nights of burning the midnight oil will inevitably lead to bad moods, stupid mistakes, and ultimately collapse.

Section 2
Anyone who shows off
Does not stand out.
Anyone who flaunts self
Does not shine.
Anyone who boasts
Achieves nothing.
Anyone who brags
Does not last.

The text moves on to recommend that you retain a sense of modesty and steer clear of trying to impress people. No matter how great you think your accomplishments are, hyping them up to the world is not a good look. It can also be highly counterproductive given how easily shameless self-promotion can turn other people off.

The only reason to do something is because it needs to be done, not to gain recognition or praise from others. Anything you do simply to attract attention is fleeting and ultimately unfulfilling. All your actions should arise naturally and be fitting to the context, not forced or exaggerated.

Section 3
In the view of the Dao,
They are like leftover food
And excess fat.
They are to be abhorred.
Followers of the Dao avoid them.

The chapter concludes by comparing demonstrations of affectation and self-importance to “leftover food and excess fat,” implying that they are not only unnecessary but also repulsive and harmful. No wonder followers of the Dao avoid them! Modesty and moderation always win out over the long term.

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Richard Brown

I live in Taiwan and am interested in exploring what ancient Chinese philosophy can tell us about technology and the rise of modern China.