Leadership Lessons from Confucius: The Cry of the Ospreys
Confucius said: “The Cry of the Ospreys is joyful without being wanton and sad without being distressing.”
Words matter — particularly at a time when they can be so easily misinterpreted the moment they’re published online. That’s why it’s so important to choose them wisely when speaking or writing so that they convey exactly the right meaning and tone.
Avoid indulging in hyperbole too. While promises to change the world or save it from the impending apocalypse may make you feel good, chances are that very few people will believe them. Be sure to maintain a sense of balance and proportion.
This article features a translation of Chapter 20 of Book 3 of the Analects of Confucius. You can read my full translation of Book 3 here.
(1) The Cry of the Ospreys is the first poem in the Book of Songs. This name was used in the original English translation of the poem by James Legge and has stuck ever since, even though the bird in question might very well be a type of duck or water fowl. Not that it really matters, for this is a delightful poem. Here is a translation of it from John Thompson:
“Guan, guan,” trill the ospreys, upon the island in the creek.
Modest is the gentle lady, the gentleman thinks her fine to seek.
Uneven are the floating water plants, they flow by left and right.
Modest is the gentle beauty, he seeks her day and night.
He seeks but cannot get her, he thinks of her day and night.
Sad and anxious thoughts, twisting and turning in his plight.
Uneven are the floating water plants, they can be picked left and right.
Modest is the gentle beauty, qin and se zithers her friendship invite.
Uneven are the floating water plants, they can be gathered left and right.
Modest is the gentle beauty, with bells and drums we bring her delight.
I took this image at the Confucius Temple on Nishan (尼山) — the hill on which, according to popular belief, Confucius was born and possibly even conceived.