Daodejing Chapter 26 breakdown: stillness and calm
Chapter 26 of the Daodejing teaches the importance of remaining centred if you are to be an effective leader and develop the resilience to weather the inevitable storms that will come your way. Only by taking your responsibilities seriously and focusing on what is important will you be able to provide the strength and stability that the people around you need.
Section 1
The heavy is the root of the light.
The still is the lord of the restless.
The chapter begins by likening the “heavy” to the “root” of all things. This heaviness is not about physical weight but being serious and grounded. Just as the roots of a tree keep it stable, heaviness provides you with purpose, steadiness, and strength.
Inner stillness is equally important. It enables you to remain calm and collected during even the most stressful of times and prevents you from making rash decisions that you will regret later.
Section 2
The sage never strays from
His heavily laden baggage train.
It is only when he is safely
Behind walls and watch towers,
That he rests peacefully
And is above worries.
The next section of the chapter underlines the importance of taking your responsibilities seriously and not allowing yourself to be distracted. Even though his baggage train is well guarded, the sage remains steadfast and alert throughout his journey, only resting when he is secure. He does not allow his attention to flag even when the road appears safe and is not tempted to ride ahead or stop to take in a beauty spot.
Section 3
Why would a lord of
Ten thousand chariots
Make light of his own life
When ruling all-under-heaven?
If he makes light of things,
He loses the root.
If he is restless,
He loses the throne.
The chapter concludes by cautioning that if a ruler of large state, and by extension any other leader, does not take his responsibilities seriously or makes impulsive decisions swayed by transient emotions, he is destined to fail. The further the ruler strays from the root that grounds him, the more he risks losing his power and authority. He needs to remain serene, solid and centred, ensuring his decisions are sound and his governance is stable.
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