Cultivating humility: the path to long-term success
Writing about how TSMC embodies the Daoist principle of humility yesterday got me thinking about how easy it is to become complacent when things are going well for you. Once you become overconfident, you can quickly fall into the trap of taking on tasks too lightly and become blind to problems festering beneath the surface that you need to address.
Chapter 63 of the Daodejing cautions you to approach everything with a detached and balanced perspective to ensure that you do not allow your emotions to cloud your judgment, a process it sums up as “taste without tasting.”
The passage goes on to warn you against underestimating the nature and scale of a task by “treating the great as small, and the many as few.” Rather than ignoring what appears to be a minor issue, take it seriously and address it before it becomes unmanageable. The sooner you begin to tackle the task, the faster and more easily you will resolve it.
Tackle the difficult when it is easy.
Tackle the great when it is small.
All difficult tasks in the world,
Begin with the easy.
All great tasks in the world,
Begin with the small.
By focusing on nipping problems in the bud rather than pursuing personal glory through grandiose projects, you will be successful. That requires keeping yourself fully grounded, working with people you can trust, and never underestimating the scale and complexity of any obstacle you may encounter.
The sage never strives to be great.
So, he accomplishes greatness.
A promise made lightly
Should not be trusted.
Things considered easy
Often turn out to be difficult.
The sage treats everything as difficult.
So, he never encounters any difficulties.
Chapter 64 of the Daodejing also emphasizes the need be proactive by addressing problems before they become too difficult to manage.
Act before something happens.
Establish order before chaos emerges.
A tree an arm’s span in girth,
Grows from a tiny shoot.
A terrace nine storeys high,
Rises from a mound of earth.
A journey of a thousand miles,
Starts with a single step.
By embracing a humble approach, addressing challenges early, and avoiding complacency, you can navigate even the most complex tasks more effectively. True success stems from small, mindful actions and a willingness to remain grounded rather than constantly searching for the limelight.
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